
Medical News

18 New Autism-linked genes identified!

The Newest study out of the Autism Speaks MSSNG project – the world’s largest autism genome sequencing program – identified an additional 18 gene variations that appear to increase the risk of autism. The new report appears this week in the journal Nature Neuroscience. It involved the analysis of 5,205 whole genomes from families affected by autism – making it the largest whole genome study of autism to date.


Deadly Drug Alert For Carfentanil


Mangano Issues Deadly Drug Alert For Carfentanil

Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano today issued a Deadly Drug Alert to warn the public of a new and potentially deadly narcotic known as Carfentanil – a synthetic opioid which has reportedly been causing increased fatal overdoses in the Midwest and may be making its way to New York. First responders and citizens trained to administer the lifesaving opioid reversal drug Naloxone should take extra precaution.

County Executive Mangano stated, “In the case of Carfentanil, both the person overdosing and the rescuer are in danger if they come into contact with this potent drug, as a miniscule amount of the powdery substance—that gets absorbed into the skin or is unwittingly inhaled—can cause overdose or death. Anyone attempting to assist a person overdosing on Carfentanil is advised to wear protective gloves and a face shield.”

Nassau County will be holding a free training and information session on April 13th from 7-9pm, where Nassau County Firefighters, EMTs and Ambulance Corps members, as well as those whose loved ones suffer with substance abuse disorder, will learn how to safely treat people under the influence of Carfentanil. Nassau County’s Toxicologist Joseph Avella will conduct the training session, along with Keith Scott from PSCH (formerly Pederson-Krag). Reports indicate first responders have exhibited signs of distress after providing first aid to Carfentanil overdose victims. Reservations are required and space is limited. To reserve a spot, please contact Eden Laikin at elaikin@nassaucountyny.gov or (516) 571-6105

A Downside of Gluten Free

Image titled Be Gluten Free Step 1

A gluten-free diet may have a downside: increased blood levels of arsenic and mercury, according to a preliminary report.  Concentrations of urinary arsenic in those on the gluten free diet were nearly twice as high as in those not on it. Blood levels of inorganic mercury were also significantly higher in gluten-free dieters.  Click here to read article.  

Three new flu deaths in kids


The CDC reported three new pediatric deaths from influenza. So far this season, there have been a total of eight pediatric deaths. The CDC said there is still time for all children over the age of 6 months to get a flu vaccine, as several weeks in the flu season remain.


FDA warns of toxic substance in homeopathic teething products

Reuters (1/2poison7, Grover) reported the Food and Drug Administration on Friday “said…it has found high amounts of” belladonna, a toxic substance, “in homeopathic teething tablets, warning of its potential risk to infants and children.” The FDA also stated that it has “asked Standard Homeopathic Co, the manufacturer of Hyland’s teething products, to recall its homeopathic teething tablets from the market,” but “the company did not agree.”
On its website, NBC News (1/27, Fox) reported that belladona “is an extract of the deadly nightshade plant,” has hallucinogenic properties, and “is highly toxic in large amounts.” According to FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Director Janet Woodcock, MD, “The body’s response to belladonna in children under 2 years of age is unpredictable and puts them at unnecessary risk. We recommend that parents and caregivers not give these homeopathic teething tablets to children and seek advice from their health care professional for safe alternatives.