Our Staff

Michelle: Document Archivist

Sneaky as a flying squirrel,  Michelle is in and out of here:  but not before all of our paper gets into the EMR,  or her cappuccino is brewed!

Darlene: Practice Manager

Darlene,  with us since the start of Kids Care Pediatrics,  is both our Practice Manager and Accounts Receivable Guru.    She is the one responsible for making sure that our billings go out, and the patients come in.  If you need to reach Darlene,  either call the office or email her @ bills@kids-care.com

Lilly: Remote Administrator

Lilly has taken on the role of remote billing and insurance verification, and we couldn't be luckier.  When she is not trying to , take care of insurance issues, ,  she is chasing after her 10 year old James.



Sulma: Office Supervisor


Christian: Administrative Assistant

Christian, he may be shy,  but you'll never find him sleeping on the job!

Teya: Receptionist

Manning the front desks at both Elmont and Lynbrook,  Teya keeps it all together.  Don't forget to say hi when you come in!

Christopher: Receptionist

Christopher is our main receptionist in our Lynbrook office , He's always willing to help our troubled parents with a smile!

Lei-lani Receptionist

Say hello to our newest addition.  We are so happy to welcome her to our family.

Pam: Medical Assistant

A devoted Grandmother, doting daughter and beloved wife,  Pam has put off retirement to be with the children.  When not here, she loves traveling, baking, cooking and especially shopping,  Pam will always make your visit cheerful.

Tijuana: Medical Assistant

Tijuana does double duty in both Elmont and Lynbrook.  Some say she does the fastest blood in the East.  Let us know!


Claudia: Medical Assistant

Claudia does double duty keeping the lab in compliance and prepping patients.  From almost sunrise to sunset,  we can always count on her smile!

Katie: Medical Assistant

Katie is never our Thing 2.  You can always count on her being Number 1 and gets it all done!

Lyndiana: Medical Assistant

Lyndiana is the sunshine to the office. She knows how to turn a frown upside down especially with children, like her own.

Shanice: Medical Assistant

If you give Shanice a big hello,  your are sure to get a giant smile in return!

Janae: Medical Assistant

Here on Saturdays only,  Janae makes the weekend zip by